This drama is an original work by Sakura Wars & Far East of Eden creator Oji Hiroi. The series, which is planned to run for 2 seasons with 25 episodes also stars Jun Kaname (Kamen Rider Agito) as Kurando Onzaki, Kenjiro Ishimaru (Kamen Rider Den-O) as the chief of the National Police Agency Security Bureau, Hinako Sano (2015 Death Note Drama) as Mikako Kogure, Masato Hagiwara (Kamen Teacher The Movie) as Kanegafuchi, Romi Park (Fullmetal Alchemist) as Robin, and Shinji Takeda (Chromartie High - The Movie) as the series antagonist Renjiro Kujiraoka.
Code: M started airing last April 8th, and airs on TV Tokyo late at night.
[Source: Daisuki Toku, AsianWiki]