The upcoming series will star Kento Kaku (Chihayafuru Part 3) as Takashi Mitsuhashi and Kentaro Ito (Sagrada Reset) as Shinji Ito and is based on Hiroyuki Nishimori's manga of the same name. The series centers on Takashi Mitsuhashi, a sly and blond deliquent high school student who holds a "Whatever I do, I'll win!" attitude. He forms a duo with Shinji Ito, another high school student who is serious and dutiful with a strong sense of justice.
The upcoming series is directed by Yuichi Fukuda (Hero Yoshihiko, Gintama) and is set for an October release and will premiere on NTV's Nichiyo Drama time slot. This is the first live-action adaptation of the series in about 21 years.
[Source: Anime News Network]