The show's main cast, namely: Koichiro Nishi (Ryoga Hakua/AbaRed), Sho Tomita (Yukito Sanjo/Abare Blue), Aiko Ito (Ranru Itsuki/Abare Yellow), Kaoru Abe (Asuka/Abare Black), and Koutaro Tanaka (Mikoto Nakadai/Abare Killer), will all reprise their respective roles. In addition, Michi Nishijima will also reprise her role as Emiri Imanaka.
Written by Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger series head writer Naruhisa Arakawa and directed by Hisashi Kimura (TRICK, Sadako DX), the film is set for a limited theatrical run this 2023, and will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on March 27, 2024. Lastly, the special edition home video release will include the Cho Bakuryu Plate, which will give AbaRed a new form, the Cho Abare Max! This item is compatible with the previously announced Dino Brace - Memorial Edition.