Taking place in a town in the mountains, the film follows Aoi Aioi, a 2nd-year high school student and an aspiring musician, her older sister Akane, Akane's ex-boyfriend and struggling guitarist Shinnosuke Kanomura, and Shinno, who is Shinnosuke from 13 years ago after travelling from the past to the present.
The Super Peace Busters creative team is composed of director Tatsuyuki Nagai (A Certain Scientific Railgun), writer and director Mari Okada (Maquia - When the Promised Flower Blooms), and artist Masayoshi Tanaka (DARLING in the FRANXX). In this project, Nagai directs, Okada writes, and Tanaka draws the original character designs and will serve as the project's chief animation director. The project will be animated by CloverWorks (DARLING in the FRANXX) and will be produced by Hiroyuki Shimizu(Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day) and Genki Kawamura (your name.).
Her Blue Sky is set for an October 11th release in Japan.
[Source: Anime News Network]