Joining the special's cast are: Hinami Mori (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger) as Miko, and will serve as Yodonna's partner in this sequel, Yu Mashima (Phantom Pain) and Sayaka Tomaru (Nono's Bath) as Waka and Airi respectively, who will appear in the show within the show "My Neighbor Girlfriend" as they will play a love triangle in that story starring Shiguru as Nozomi. Lastly, Yasuhiro Takato will voice Keronchura, who is part of the same tribe as Carantula.
Just like the previous Yodonna spin-offs, this will be directed by Koichi Sakamoto (Kamen Rider Fourze, Ultraman Geed) and is written by Tete Inoue. Yodonna 3: Yodonna's Valentine is set to premiere this March 5th exclusively on the Toei Tokusatsu Fanclub (TTFC).
[Additional images from Oricon]