In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity's fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet collide in a spectacular battle for the ages. As Monarch embarks on a perilous mission into uncharted terrain and unearths clues to the Titans' origins, a human conspiracy threatens to wipe the creatures, both good and bad, from the face of the earth forever.
The upcoming film stars: Van Marten (Avengers: Infinity War), Ziyi Zhang (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Julian Dennison (Deadpool 2), Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things), Danai Gurira (Black Panther), Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood, The Legend of Tarzan), Rebecca Hall (Iron Man 3, The Prestige), Jessica Henwick (Iron Fist, Game of Thrones), and Shun Oguri (Crows Zero, Hana Yori Dango).