GROUP: Rampage Subs | Bad Apple Fansubs (Eps 1-24) | PocketUniverse (BD)
NOTES: Bad Apple stopped subbing the series until episode 24. The reason why they stopped can be found in this link. DeltaSubs dropped the series. Rampage Subs continued the project. PocketUniverse's release on the other hand, is basically Rampage Subs + Blu-ray raws.
JAKQ Dengekitai
GROUP: Metallic Fansubs
NOTES: GUIS only subbed the first episode and the crossover movie, JAKQ Dengekitai vs. Goranger. Metallic Fansubs has subbed the entire series and the crossover movie. This is Metallic Fansubs' first Super Sentai project.
Battle Fever J
GROUP: Berndadelta Subs | JN Productions | nemet (Scrub)
NOTES: The series aired in Hawaii years ago and a recording of those episodes is floating online. MegaBeast Empire dropped the series since nemet is done scrubbing JN Productions' sub of Battle Fever J and that they don't have on-staff translators. Berndadelta Subs' release was build upon the original translations of the series. He later released updated versions of his original subs and even subbed the movie. This was his first Super Sentai project.
Denshi Sentai Denziman
GROUP: Berndadelta Subs w/ Metallic Fansubs | Dead Fish Fansubs
NOTES: Dead Fish Fansubs only subbed episodes 1-2, 7, 9-11, 44, and 51. The group also subbed episodes 46 and 50, but it seems no one was able to salvage at least the scripts of said episodes. This is Berndadelta's 2nd Super Sentai project and is made in collaboration with Metallic Fansubs. The group subbed the entire series and the movie.
Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan
GROUP: Gao Soul Forever!
NOTES: This is the group's second Super Sentai project.
Dai Sentai Google-V
GROUP: Metallic Fansubs | Dead Fish Fansubs | Goggle Scrubs | Quick & Dirty Subs
NOTES: Dead Fish Fansubs only subbed episodes 2, 21, 26 and the movie. Hikari-Senshi picked the series in 2012 and is under one of their current projects. As of 2013, they only subbed 3 episodes and is the project is pretty much dead.
Goggle Scrubs used the show's Portuguese dub, DFF & Hikari-Senshi's scripts for their scrubs of the series. As of June 2017, the group subbed 17 episodes of the series. Quick & Dirty Subs on the other hand, uses the "power of Google Translate and good storytelling" to translate the series. Due to that nature, Quick & Dirty Subs decided to remove all the links of their Goggle-V subs after Metallic Fansubs released their first batch of Goggle-V subs. Metallic also subbed the movie.
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
GROUP: MillionFold Curiosity
NOTES: This is MillionFold Curiosity's first 80's Super Sentai project. Last update about the project was in February 2019, which states that 50/51 of the episodes have been translated and edited. As of April 2017, the group has only released 36 episodes of the series.
Choudenshi Bioman
GROUP: Grown Ups In Spandex
NOTES: The English dub of the series can also be found online. GUIS also subbed the movie.
Dengeki Sentai Changeman
GROUP: TV-Nihon continued by Dead Fish Fansubs (Eps 1-20, 22-24, 26-55, 2 movies) finished by Lordtranza33 | Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: Dead Fish Fansubs promised to finish the series before 2011 ends... and failed. Lordtranza33 finished what DFF started and released the series to complete GUIS' current release of the series.
Choushinsei Flashman
GROUP: Metallic Fansubs | Dead Fish Fansubs (Eps 1-5, 7, 15-19, 21, 24, 47-50) | Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: Let's Finish Subbing Super Sentai is now dead. As of February 2019, GUIS has only subbed 12 episodes of the series. Metallic Fansubs has subbed all 50 episodes of the series. Both Metallic and GUIS translated the movie.
Hikari Sentai Maskman
GROUP: Grown Ups In Spandex
NOTES: The group also subbed the movie.
Choujuu Sentai Liveman
GROUP: Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: This is the group's first Super Sentai project, and was later remastered with better translations and DVD raw.
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
GROUP: Wandering Moonbeams w/ XIG Fansubs | Love x Care
NOTES: Hikari-Senshi revealed on their blog that this series will be worked on after GoGo-V. Project currently on a hiatus. Love x Care is currently subbing the series, which includes the movie and as of September 2017, has only subbed 7 episodes of the series.
This is Wandering Moonbeams' first Super Sentai project. The group also released the Super Sentai 10th Anniversary Special and is labelled Episode 1 in their project. Episode 2 of their release is technically the first episode of the TV series. As of May 2019, the group has released 31 episodes of the TV series. Dead Fish Fansubs also subbed the said 10th Anniversary Special.
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman
GROUP: XIG Fansubs | Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: Elite-Justice only subbed the first 6 episodes and sadly, they weren't able to continue it. Grown Ups In Spandex started the series with the original EJF translator. As of January 5, 2016, the group released 12 episodes of the series. In a September 28, 2014 post, GUIS' virushopper revealed that due to the translator's personal life, he can't work on the project but he assured that once things clear up, the translator will return and continue the project.
This is XIG's first Super Sentai project and has translated all 48 episodes of the series. Shout! Factory teased in March 2019 via MMPR Toys that they have plans to release Fiveman in North America.
Choujin Sentai Jetman
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: This is the first pre-Zyuranger Super Sentai Series that Shout! Factory has licensed. Please support the official release.
Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Grown Ups in Spandex with MegaAnon | TV-Nihon
NOTES: Elite-Justice started this project and after the group disbanded, GUIS continued the project. MegaAnon later collaborated with GUIS to release more Zyuranger. TV-Nihon is also subbing the series.
Shout! Factory announced at the San Diego Comic Con 2014 event that Zyuranger gets an official North American DVD release. Because of this announcement, GUIS as well as TV-Nihon, has taken down the download links for the series.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | TV-Nihon | Henshin OrganizatioN with Hikari-Senshi
NOTES: Both groups finished the series. Henshin OrganizatioN later teamed up with Hikari-Senshi to finish the series. Their release also includes the HD movie of Dairanger.
Shout! Factory announced at the San Diego Comic Con 2015 event that Dairanger will also get an official North American DVD release, making this the 2nd Super Sentai Series that gets the said treatment. That being said, TV-Nihon and Hikari-Senshi took down their subs for the series.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Grown Ups in Spandex
NOTES: Hikari-Senshi later picked the series. The group later teamed up with GUIS to release the series in a weekly basis. TV-Nihon only subbed Super Sentai World.
Shout! Factory announced at the Super Sentai Spectacular livestream that Kakuranger will also get an official North American DVD release, making this the 3rd Super Sentai Series that gets the said treatment. That being said, GUIS took down their subs for the series.
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | MillionFold Curiosity
NOTES: The group finished subbing the series last September 13, 2015. With Shout! Factory's announcement of releasing Ohranger DVDs in North America, they took down their subs for the series. The only Ohranger material left in the site is Carranger vs. Ohranger.
Shout! Factory announced at the 2nd Super Sentai Spectacular livestream that Ohranger will also get an official North American DVD release, making this the 4th Super Sentai Series that gets the said treatment.
Gekisou Sentai Carranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | HaroRangers
NOTES: The group finished subbing the series last April 27, 2015. The group plans to re-release episodes 1-10 with new translations and Carranger vs. Ohranger. Thanks to an Amazon listing, Carranger also gets an official North American DVD release, making it the 5th Super Sentai that gets the said treatment.
Denji Sentai Megaranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | MillionFold Curiosity | TV-Nihon
NOTES: MegaAnon later teamed up with KouAidou and Lnyxara to sub Megaranger under the name MillionFold Curiosity (MFC). The group also subbed Megaranger vs. Carranger. Thanks to a Best Buy listing, Megaranger also gets a North American DVD release, making it the 6th Super Sentai that gets the said treatment.
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | MillionFold Curiosity | Hi no Tori Fansubs
NOTES: MFC finished the series last April 11, 2015. The group also subbed Gingaman vs. Megaranger. It was announced at the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con that the series will also get a North American DVD release, making it the 7th Super Sentai that gets the said treatment.
Kyukyu Sentai GoGo-V
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Imagination Station
NOTES: Imagination Station finished subbing the series last May 2016. The group also subbed the movie, GoGo-V vs. Gingaman, and Timeranger vs. GoGo-V. Due to the series getting licensed by Shout! Factory, Imagination Station has removed all episode download links on their blog.
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Over-Time | TV-Nihon
NOTES: SHT! Fansubs disbanded and Over-Time decided to continue subbing the series with the same O-SHT! core staff. TV-Nihon later restarted the series. Due to the series getting licensed by Shout! Factory, both groups removed all episode download links on their respective websites.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Gao Soul Forever! | Tokuplex (Gao vs. Super Sentai)
NOTES: This is Gao Soul Forever!'s first project. The group also subbed the movie, and Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger.
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger
GROUP: Shout! Factory (Licensed) | Over-Time (10 Years After) | Shushutto Scrubs (Scrub)
NOTES: HaroRanger's Hurricaneger project had a different team for this one, with Over-Time's Ignis being part of it. As of October 2019, project is pretty much dead.
SkewedS placed this project under one of their low priority projects as of August 2013 with plans of rebooting the project. Starting last April 19, 2015, the group SkewedS started releasing beta versions of their subbed projects, one of those is Hurricaneger. As of December 23, 2015, SkewedS released episodes 11-28. Release dates of the final versions is yet to be announced.
But if you are lazy to wait for decent subs, the Hong Kong subs of the show that's circulating online is quite decent, or just download Shushutto Scrubs' release, which according to some are based on the same decent Hong Kong subs of the show. Said group also released Hurricaneger the Movie, and Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger. Due to Shout! Factory officially licensing the series, said notes that I wrote in this post ages ago is now irrelevant.
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
GROUP: Imagination Station | MCS (Eps 1-7, 9-10) | GUIS (Movie)
NOTES: MCS subbed episodes 1-7, 9-10 (w/ AbareAnon) until they decided to drop the project last March 2013. SkewedS placed this project under one of their low priority projects as of August 2013 with plans of rebooting the project.
Imagination Station has finished subbing the series. They also subbed two DVD specials, the movie, the Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger and Dekaranger vs. Abaranger movies.
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
GROUP: TV-Nihon | Over-Time | Berndadelta Subs
NOTES: This is TV-Nihon's first Super Sentai project. They also subbed the movie, the two versus movies, the 10 Years After film, VS Gavan, and the Girls in Trouble special. The group is currently remastering the series on Blu-ray. Dekaranger vs. Abaranger movie is a collaboration with SkewedS. Over-Time started subbing the series last December 2012.
This is Berndadelta Subs' third Super Sentai project.
Mahou Sentai Magiranger
GROUP: Tiny Henshin Subs | TV-Nihon
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie and the two versus movies. Tiny Henshin Subs subbed the series with their own translation. This is the group's first project. Tiny Henshin Subs' release includes the series, the movie, and the Kodansha DVD special.
GoGo Sentai Boukenger
GROUP: Earthly Subs (Scrub) | TV-Nihon | Aesir w/ Hikari-Senshi
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie and the two versus movies. Aesir is resubbed the series from scratch with two versions, the localized version with "Advenger" instead of "Boukenger" and a regular version. As of 2013, they only released 6 episodes.
Earhtly Subs' release was a continuation of Free Joker's original scrub project, in which episodes 1-7 are based on Aesir's release with the rest being based on TV-Nihon's release. Earthly's released used the HD raws of the TV series and has also subbed the movie, and VS Super Sentai.
Juuken Sentai Gekiranger
GROUP: Earhtly Subs (Scrub) | TV-Nihon | GekiKnight w/ Hikari-Senshi (Scrub)
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie and the two versus movies. This is also GekiKnight's first Super Sentai scrub project. Hikari-Senshi has plans in making v2 of the series once DVD raws are available online.
This is Earthly Subs' second Super Sentai scrub project and is based on GekiKnight w/ Hikari-Senshi's infamous "Wildranger" subs with translation checks courtesy of SpecialForm12. Earthly's released used the HD raws of the TV series and has also subbed the movie, and VS Boukenger.
Engine Sentai Go-Onger
GROUP: Earthly Subs (Scrub) | TV-Nihon | Go-Anonger (Scrub)
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie and the two versus movies. This is also Go-Anonger's first Super Sentai scrub project.
This is Earthly Subs' third Super Sentai scrub project and is based on Go-Anonger's release. Earthly's released used the HD raws of the TV series and has also subbed the movie, VS Gekiranger, the Net Movies, and VS Shinkenger. That being said, the Shinkenger VS Go-Onger release matches the terminologies used in Over-Time and MillionFold Curiosity's Shinkenger and Goseiger releases.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie, the two versus movies and the Shinkenger Returns V-Cinema. ShinkenAnon later restarted the project with Over-Time. Over-Time finished subbing the main TV series last October 22, 2015 in glorious Blu-ray quality.
Tensou Sentai Goseiger
GROUP: MillionFold Curiosity | TV-Nihon | GUIS
NOTES: TV-Nihon also subbed the movie, the two versus movies and the Goseiger Returns V-Cinema. GUIS also subbed the last few episodes of the series with Japanese captions, Goseiger vs. Shinkenger and the Goseiger Returns V-Cinema. MillionFold Curiosity (MFC) has finished subbing the series and later re-released it in HD.
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | Free Joker Subs (Scrub)
NOTES: This is Over-Time's first Super Sentai project. Both groups has subbed movies related to the series.
Free Joker Subs' Gokaiger scrub is a scrub of Over-Time's Gokaiger release using the Blu-ray raws. As stated in the first release page, the scrub fixes some problems in Over-Time's early releases and the like.
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | Free Joker Subs (Scrub)
NOTES: Both groups has subbed movies related to the series. Free Joker Subs' Go-Busters scrub is a scrub of Over-Time's Go-Busters release using the Blu-ray raws.
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | Free Joker Subs (Scrub)
NOTES: Both groups has subbed movies related to the series. Free Joker Subs started scrubbing the series using the Blu-ray raws. Their scrubs has three different sub tracks, full details about it are in their blog post.
Ressha Sentai ToQGer
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon
NOTES: Both groups has subbed movies related to the series.
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon
NOTES: Both groups has also subbed movies related to the series.
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | PocketUniverse (Scrub)
NOTES: Both groups finished subbing the main TV series. TV-Nihon on the other hand, also subbed the Movie, Super Animal War Blu-ray/DVD specials, VS Ninninger, and Zyuohger Returns. Take note, TV-Nihon's release doesn't follow Toei's official romanization of the series. PocketUniverse scrubbed the movies and specials that TV-Nihon subbed.
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | PocketUniverse (Scrub)
NOTES: Both groups finished subbing the main TV series. TV-Nihon also subbed the Movie, Episode of Stinger, High School Wars, and VS Space Squad. PocketUniverse scrubbed the movies and specials that TV-Nihon subbed. Over-Time's release translates the Japanese constellation names into English. In short, Shishi Red is Leo Red in their releases, etc.
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | PocketUniverse (Scrub)
NOTES: Both groups finished subbing the main TV series. TV-Nihon also subbed the Movie, and VS Kyuranger. PocketUniverse scrubbed the movies and specials that TV-Nihon subbed.
Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon
NOTES: Over-Time's release localized the names of the mecha.
Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger
GROUP: Over-Time | TV-Nihon | Toei
NOTES: Both groups subbed seasons 1 and 2.
Last August 3, 2012, Toei opened an official YouTube channel that uploads the series subtitled in English & Chinese and it can be only accessed if you are living in South East Asia. This is the only time Toei did this to a tokusatsu show. As of 2017, all the videos in Toei's official Akibaranger YouTube channel are gone.
Guess Akibaranger Season 3 is not happening any time soon...
- Will update this post constantly.
- It is assumed that unless indicated, the group pretty much subbed everything major related to the said show. That includes DVD specials, movies, etc.
- The term "scrubbing" or "scrub" means cleaning up an existing sub. By cleaning, it includes using a better RAW (perfect example, GomenRider's Agito releases), removing the honorifics, fix some wordings and remove unnecsary Japanese terms that doesn't have much meaning to the series' enjoyment.
- Any sub groups that is missing in this list, you can post those groups in the comment section or alert me via my Twitter account.