The New Generation Heroes that appeared in this stage are: Hikaru Raido/Ultraman Ginga (played by Takuya Negishi), Sho/Ultraman Victory (played by Kiyotaka Uji), Katsumi Minato/Ultraman Rosso (played by Yuya Hirata), Isami Minato/Ultraman Blu (played by Isami Minato/Ultraman Blu), Asahi Minato/Ultrawoman Grigio (played by Arisa Sonohara), and Haruki Natsukawa/Ultraman Z (played by Kohshu Hirano).
This is the fourth of the many archive material coming from said livestream event, which happened last February 19th to commemorate the channel reaching 2 million subscribers that they will post in the official Ultraman YouTube channel. The archive is of course, based on how it was first presented. The previous archive videos are: Ultraman Trigger Memorial Live Stage, Ultraman Trigger Memorial Talk, and the New Generation Heroes Talk.