One day, a handsome alien named Guu arrives on Earth and claims that he escaped a genocide from one of Earth's twin stars. Following Guu was a giant monster who attacked Taishi's home. Guu hands Taishi a special transformation item, turning his entire body with a special wheelchair armor.
The first two episodes are written by Yukiko Manabe (Wolf Girl and Black Prince), and the third episode is written by Hirotoshi Kobayashi (Ultraman Taiga). The series will feature character design by Shinji Nishikawa (Godzilla), and will be directed by Takanori Tsujimoto (Ultraman Z). Super Speed Parahero Gandeen is set to premiere on June 26th, with the last two episodes airing on July 3rd and July 10th.
[Source: Love Tokusatsu]