For fans of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger and Metal Hero, Sheriff Skyfire is Jiraiya from Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya, the 7th entry of the Metal Hero Series. The character appeared in Ninninger's 34th episode titled "The Legendary World Ninja Jiraiya Appears!" and had a very minor recurring role in the series since then. More on the episode itself, Skyfire is voiced by Mark Mitchinson, who previously voiced Power Rangers RPM's General Shifter, Power Rangers Megaforce's Creepox, and Power Rangers Dino Charge's Singe.
This episode is expected to premiere in the United States on September 22nd on Nickelodeon.
[Source: Sungel of Rangerboard, Theagames10 of Rangerboard, master_lunarwolf]