Uchu Sentai Kyuranger vs. Space Squad takes place 4 years after the events of the TV series, the universe is at peace. But that changed when Hammie/Chameleon Green attacked the Rebellion and stole the newly developed Neo Kyutama! Fearing its possible misused once it falls into the wrong hands, Space Federation President Tsurugi Ohtori/Houou Soldier has declared Hammie wanted all across the universe. Lucky/Shishi Red and some of the Kyurangers believe in Hammie fought against Tsurugi's decision, causing a rift amongst the Kyurangers.
The film is written by Uchu Sentai Kyuranger head writer Nobuhiro Mori and directed by Koichi Sakamoto, who previously directed the previous two installments of the Space Squad franchise. The film is set for an August 8th release on Blu-ray and DVD and will also get a limited theatrical run in June.
[Source: Tokusatsu Network]