A direct sequel to the Kamen Rider W TV series, the series follows Shotaro Hidari and Philip, the two-in-one Kamen Rider known as Kamen Rider W, along with the rest of the gang and a mysterious beauty named Tokime as they confront new and bizarre events happening in the windy city of Fuuto.
Kamen Rider W series head writer Riku Sanjo (Beet the Vandel Buster) wrote the manga with art by Masaki Sato, creature designs by Katsuya Terada (Kamen Rider W, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid), and is supervised by Kamen Rider W producer Hideaki Tsukada. The series was adapted into an anime as part of the Kamen Rider franchise's 50th anniversary celebrations.
[Source: Anime News Network]