The series is directed by Hiro Kabuagi (My Little Monster) with character designs by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Evangelion), scripts written by Ryota Kosawa (live-action Parasyte film), music by Yutaka Yamada (Vinland Saga, Tokyo Ghoul), and is produced by Maiko Okada (Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress).
The anime is set to premiere in Netflix Japan on June 2nd and will stream the series worldwide in a later date. The series will also premiere on Fuji TV's +UItra programming block on July 8th and will have a total of 23 episodes. That said, here's the show's release schedule on Netflix Japan.
- Case 1 (episodes 1-5): June 2
- Case 2 (episodes 6-10): June 9
- Case 3 (episodes 11-14): June 16
- Case 4: (episode count unknown): "Coming Soon"
[Source: Anime News Network]