Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line takes place 100 years after the events of the first game and is said to be the one of the hardest entries of the series. The game follows a later descendant of Erdrick who is tasked by his father to stop the wizard Hargon in summoning the demon Malroth to destroy the world. He is later joined by his cousins in his quest.
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation takes place prior to the events of the first Dragon Quest game and follows the legendary Hero, Erdrick who is tasked to save the world from the archfiend Baramos. With his party, the Hero must travel the world, stop at various towns and locations, and find his way to the Demon Lord Baramos' lair.
Dragon Quest 1, 2 & 3 are set for a September 27th release only on the Nintendo Switch.