Based on Yuki Suetsugu's manga of the same name, the series follows Chihaya Ayase, a beautiful and headstrong young woman who has a passion for karuta, a card game inspired by classic Japanese poetry. She was introduced to the game by a gifted transfer student named Arata and together with another friend named Taichi, they played karuta as kids. Years later, Chihaya reunited with Taichi and wanted to resume their love of karuta only to find out that Arata has quit the game due to personal reasons. Determined not to let Arata's passion go to waste, Chihaya and Taichi formed their school's karuta club, in which they learn that working towards your dream is the key to winning, even when what you want seems just out of reach.
Anime studio Madhouse will once again animate the series with director Morio Asaka returning to direct it. Chihayafuru Season 3 is set to premiere in April 2019 on NTV's AnichU programming block.
[Source: Anime News Network]