Also part of the cast are: Goki Maeda (Death Note TV series), Yuuka Suzuki, Kanako Tahara, Makoto Okunaka (Kamen Rider Wizard), Yutaro Watanabe (Tonari no Seki kun to Rumi chan no Jisho), and Masaya Kikawada (Kamen Rider the First) in unknown roles.
The series is directed by Saiji Yakumo and Koji Shintoku with scripts by Tetsuya Oishi (Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee). Taro Makido (Kamen Rider Teacher) will compose the music.
The Mars ~But, I Love You~ drama is about high school student Kira Aso who meets the playboy Rei Kashino. The get off to a bad start, when Kira, who is not used to men, speaks to bluntly. The new school term starts and the two meet again as classmates. Rei starts to get interested in Kira but things become complicated because of Rei's middle school classmate, Masao.
The series is set for a January 24, 2016 premiere on NTV on Saturdays.
[Source: Anime News Network]